Who doesn't like to have fun? We know you do, so browse around this page for videos, how-to-draw Bigfoot and more!
Click the autograph to get a signed picture instantly sent to your computer that you can print! Best of all, it’s FREE, made out to you, in our handwriting, and you can get as many as you like. Yep, you can even get one for everyone in your class.
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Drawing Bigfoot? No problem. Here's a breakdown on how to draw our favorite foot.
Bad ole’ puddy tat! Click on the VAMPIRE CAT image to see how to draw the infamous feline from Japan. It’s one kitty you DON’T want to say hello to!
Okay fellow artists, here's a quick lesson on how to draw Cartoon Mick from 'Bigfoot...Big Trouble!'
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Here are some Mick Morris pictures from 'All Isn't Well in Roswell' to print out and color. Click on an image, it will open in a new window, and print it from your internet browser.
Celebrities with our books...sort of.
This is so cool! Next time you go to the fabulous Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation take your Grudge of the Gremlins book with you and see if you can find all the of the amazing artifacts that are featured in this book. If you are up to the challenge, simply take pics of the objects next to the book, like we’ve done here. Then if you send us your pics on our Mick Morris Myth Solver Page (Facebook), we will send you a free Mick Morris Myth Solver Poster! Have fun, and watch out for those mischievous gremlins!
Need your copy of Grudge of the Gremlins? Click here!
Relive the Grudge of the Gremlins at the Henry Ford Museum!
This one is easy to find!
Hint, in a big hallway above your head.
Hungry, the diner is delish and hard to miss!
This one is easy to find!
We were thrilled to be asked to march in the Royal Oak Holiday Magic Parade! You can see the actual Mick, Nathan and Sissy from the books (Mick, Katie & Karl) and also a lot of little aliens leading the way.